miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

Art in class

The teacher will show these paintings to the children, in which the topic is traditional games. It is a good way to show them how culture was in their country in the past. That will help them to be aware of the changes that have happened in their country. Making a comparison between how the came was in the past and how is it nowadays.
Now, all the children will play to “Gallinita Ciega” and “Cinquillo”. In the first game, one child will cover his/her eyes with a blinker and all the kids have to move around in order to be catch. If the “hen” grabs on of his/ her classmates, he /she would have to figure out who that person is. In the second game, the children will have to put the card number five on the table, and then they will have to follow the numbers up and down. The winner is the one that runs out of cards first.
La gallina ciega. Francisco Goya          Los jugadores de naipes. Francisco Goya

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